Friday, August 26, 2011



To note. This isn't a slam against folks who've actually been through a big storm.

To them?


Having been through one (lol several including a catagory 5?  I get that it's a scary thing.

And remember.

If you ever are in the path of one of a storm and can't get out?

Don't forget to fill up the bathubs with water.

No, not for drinking.

For flushing.

Just saying.

Carry on and keep calm!




Meanwhile in NYC there are folks proving the point that NewYorkers can take just about anything but a canceled show.



Dear Irene,

I know that you have your heart set on "visiting" the Eastern Seaboard but come on wouldn't you rather take that Atlantic cruise you've always talked about?

You got me walking the floor...




Thursday, August 25, 2011


Steve Jobs announces his retirement.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Guess who's back?

Hint. He's back from France where the nekkid laddies dance.


He's got a robot sidekick named Kristen and another named Geoff Peterson.





