Wednesday, March 22, 2017

We are all here for a reason

Some things I've chosen. Somethings were fate chosen.

For instance,

I choose the chickens.
The chickens brought the chicken feed.
The chicken feed brought the field mice.
The field mice brough the chicken snake.

(If your singing The Farmer In The Dell ? Me too.)

Chickens squawking .
Got 2 go c.


Before I go further, I should tell you that when I say, "I live on a farm." I should say, "I live on 13 acres of woods, have 17 chickens and, according to my mother, have way too many dogs (not hoarder, they are well fed etc), I aspire to keep goats and fish."
We don't have cows or horses. The things I grow aren't like the things my parents grew. Mom and dad did have cows, chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, a horse, dogs, cats. and a huge garden. They also lived on 40 acres. Much more room than we have here. Because of the smaller space, the living things here have a reason for being here.

Symbiosis is very important.

Dear Readers,
I didn't ask you not to read.
I just asked you not to hack.
Thing is that in less than 6 weeks one family member has died and another has gotten some scary health news.  I don't even get to think of my side of the families health issues or mine right now. I just try to ignore them until I'm where I can deal with them. I can take care of the others but I'm not sure who would take care of me. We seem to be lucky so far. Met the right people in time. Not something that I can't handle. But seriously, being screwed with, being hacked isn't something I need to deal with right now. I wouldn't mess with you. Please, don't  screw with me.

You are all welcome to read.

I could really use a story.
I could really use a Newt story.
Newt, I miss reading your stories. If you were here, I would be telling you about the pups, the chickens, how the guineas flew into the neighbour's yard, how beautiful the woods look.
I know that you're gone but I think that I'll  write as if you are still here.  So much has happened.
I finally found someone to teach me how to use a chain saw..

If ANYONE knows of NewtLoveRock (eBay), tell her hello.

The next posts are my Zen Garden.

Story tellers welcome.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Now hear this.

12dotsandablot is a writer's blog.

A fiction writer's blog.

Fact and fiction peacefully coexist here.

If you don't know which is which?

Do not ASSume.


Leave this blog alone.

A word from the writers.

"Hello. An actual human here.  I write this blog for fun, entertainment, and as a way to practice writing. I think of this blog as a fun way to do writing "situps".

I try very much to have fun

Please, if you have any inclination towards hacking mischief, go do it somewhere other than here.

In my real life I have enough serious. My real world  "plate" is full of stupid.
My parents don't talk to me.
My SO is in a funk (Their mom died.)
And health issues? My health issues have been on a waiting list for years. Soon as everyone in my immediate family gets sorted, I hear that my issues will be addressed.

Surely there are other people who you could hack.
Other people who would be more interesting to pester.

I'm busy getting yelled at.
I'm due sleep.
I'm  due 1 year of sabatical.
I'm way under paid.
I haven't had sex in years.
I am way over due for my semi annual beer.
In other words, I'm tired out.

Please go pester someone else.

Please leave this one tiny bit of imaginary sunshine alone.


The Person Who Writes This Blog. "


Meghan Traynor
Better When I'm Dancing

Jason Mraz

93 Million Miles

Dear Christina, Rose, and Diane.
Thank you for being so good at what you do.

Kind regards,
Good morning.
For Kris, Pup, and WB.

Clean Bandit, AnneMarie, Sean Jean

Rockabye Baby

Monday, March 20, 2017

My heart goes out to the parents of critically I'll children.  The constant fear.  It's such a relief to get positive news.

The new health care plan that is being talked about in the national legislature is more than by partisan rhetoric for many Americans. It is unfortunately the daily struggle. It is the air they breathe.  It is the painful steps they take with a family member or friend.
These Americans are the real experts on health care reform. Instead of talking at them, maybe we should be listening to them.
Thank you for the health care professionals who we've talked to this week. Theit patience and guidance is helping us make sense of what at the moment is a jumble of words and emotions.
We're lucky.
