"The great thing about this life is that acting with kindness is free to give. Costs nothing.
But the right word at the right time in kindness can be worth it's weight in gold."
"There are a lot of southern accents that have gotten us to the moon and back."
"Of all the people to make fun of the way a person talks or the way they look. Lol, I can remember the early days when you were shaking in your boots. Guess you've gotten to good for them."
" If I make fun of the Red Neck culture, I can because I have been one. Thing is I try not to make fun of people because of their accent or because of their shape or their circumstances. We all are born naked. We live our lives. I've seen people that didn't have a bit help someone who had a lot. It's a beautiful thing to see. I've also seen people who've been frankly asses. We all, if we live long enough are asses. If I'm friendly to someone it's not to curry favor. It's because I know and remember well the days when I had no one. I remember the days when I or a family member were at the mercy of someone who didn't care one twit about us. I hope that I will always remember."
"I can't tell the person who was a jerk, "You are being a jerk." I can't do it because we don't know each other. I could yell at someone here. I could yell at the telly or the radio or the paper or the Internet. I could write some snarky email or Tweet. I don't think I will. Instead, I'm going to hug Pup or WB or a puppy. I'm going to tell them out loud, "Thank you for caring about me." Then I'm going to do something positive to balance the jerk."
"I'm going to write it here, "That guy for all his stuff never seems happy." Funny as time goes by he has more stuff and more attention but he just doesn't seem happy. Me? I'm getting happier by the minute. If I counted my blessings this day? I have a bunch. I still can remember the sad after my son died. I can remember the first time I laughed afterwards. It took years. Even now when I laugh there is that little marvel at what it feels like to be happy and kind. I know that he'd say, "My life has been so difficult and maybe it has been. It's just if he were here or if he was there in the delivery room when life changed, maybe he'd be a bit kinder."
"Everybody needs the 5 Minute Rule. Everybody to some degree has had moments that frankly suck. Everyone. It's good to remember."
"My circumstances keep me safe from the jerks. When you've seen just how mean spirited some folks can be? It makes you wary. This place, the way I talk and dress and act, keeps me safe from you."
There. I'll feel better in a minute. I won't forget this bit but I'll get distance from it and I'll remind myself to count my blessings. "
"I don't care if you were the first person to get me to laugh after my son died, you are still a jerk."
She's not a brick house but she is lovely.
"Tonight? When I fall asleep? I really will count my blessings."
(I feel better.)
U R still a Jerk.
(I feel even better.)
U R still a Jerk.
(I feel even better.)
c ford