Thursday, March 6, 2014

Nothing says fun like cutting small trees in the rain and cold.

Continued what I started yesterday.  Cutting and clearing woods and fence lines in front section of farm.  Last night I cut and cleared until I ran out of daylight.  Today I cut until I couldn't feel my toes from the cold. Came in and put on a pot of spaghetti, defrosted my fingers/toes,  changed into dry clothes,  and washed the wet clothes I took off. I'd love to have NOT done this but it's either this or not have things ready for this weekend's work.   I just have to push through the weather to make sure I get all done.

At this point?

My already done list

Cut saplings in the front section and on the fence lines.

Still to do?

Continue cutting and clearing until  front section fence lines are cleared, limbs are dealt with, and vines are cleared.

Clear east side of drive so WB can cut trees on fence line 


sort the limbs
clear the drive

If I do this, Saturday we can take the chain saw and clear the big trees, the fence line, and then finish what is left of cutting any remaining saplings

Also fill holes in path.

Also need to move fence panels so that I can work on them next week

Next week if I get through this one

fix chicken pen panels
fix door on chicken pen
move chicks to new home around a pecan tree
fix fence line holes
fix dog kennel panels


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday Already done list

It was a pretty good day even if it did start late and kind of rocky

(I fired Pup.  He was being a drahma queen. )

cleared cross fence line in front
began clearing the drive
began clearing the saplings between the front area and the cross fence
began clearing the section on east side of drive

This is the part right before you see all your hard work come to life. The middle part where giving up is something that you consider. Don't do it.

Things that I still have to:

finish clearing the saplings in north side
finish clearing the saplings on the east side of the drive
clean the north south cross fence
clean the south fence line
clean the remaining west fence line
clean the north woodland edge

sort, use, or dispose of the limbs, trunks, or vines

use the trunks for erosion control and to establish a terraced situation
chip or burn the limbs
bag vines except the confederate jessimine and the honeysuckle  Pot the jessimine and the honeysuckle

Use the chips for path ways.

Bush hog the areas along the cross fence

spray the fence lines

fix the slope area on east path

move the back fence off the trees

move the big trees and downed trees  you can use them for erosion control

set up a feed and water station

set up the chicken yards.

set up the new kennel area

storage building

tent platform

flower bed
dog wood
crepe myrtle
possum haw

herbs flat leaf parsley, mint, basil, lemon thyme, etc
lettuce tables
green onions

learn to put in a fence post. wood and tpost
learn to put up fence wire
learn to put up wood fence
learn to make a gate

Lots to do from now until June.


Ash Wednesday. aka Happy Hangover Day.

Wish list for now until June.

Chicken pens
Chicken house for older chickens
Chicken house for baby chicks
Enclosure for guineas
Use chickens to clean under trees
Dog pens
clean paths and wood land edges
camping platform/footbridge/
clean drive
saw horses for grow table
fence lines
gate to front parcel
gate to back parcel
logs and limbs for erosion control
front gate
front fence
new gate
cross fence for dog yard
replace fencing with dog fencing
wire at bottom of west fence
privacy fence for dogs
pole barn
place for entertaining
place for chicks
establish place for garden (till or plow)
flower bed
flower bed
dogwood tree
work on entry/gate
flag on fence
water source

storage building for work, dog, and stuff

get this done and then?

plan for personal schedule

boat work /sail club
tai chi y
volunteer work
job and or school

fence line
around house (clip boxwoods and hedges) prep for paint work
around trees
green house
beer garden for Rick's BBQ
reno work to house
front porch of house
front fence
clear fence line in back
remove trees
prune around electrics
back porch
flower bed
crepe myrtles in front of the green house

clear fence line
clear and make repairs to back fence line
front fence

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Best news? No pain day.

Happy Mardi Gras tomorrow.

Let the good times roll.

Already done list for today

kennels cleaned.
food and water
heart worm med
tick check
lap time

exercise for Loki
food and water for Loki

moved limbs to otherside of the fence
began clearing the edge of the woods north side of kennel
cleared path from east to west
filled holes on west fence line with gravel or leveled them

walked fence line to check for holes

not a bad day

Time for shower, fried chicken, and Glee  :)

This was an excellent day.

Tomorrow? No to do list only an already done list

And I don't know how this happened but I have a copy of Dallas Buyers Club  AND  Blue Jasmine.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Wow what a great two days. We  had great weather (not hot nor cold).  Had help from WB and Pup. Today was one of those days when you look back and can actually see done what you set out to do. Even a neighbor complimented us for the good job. Still lots to do but I'm hoping to work hard for the next week. Then I can begin working to get the dogs and chickens settled. I'm hearing that we might have rain. In case it's rainy I'll start working inside the house. Movies, clean closets, and spring clean kitchen. Personally, I'm hoping for sunny weather until next Sunday. I can make up for the time spent working on the lake.

Already done list

learn to use chain saw

Cut small trees along fence lines
Use trees and limbs to fill wash
clear vines from trees
clear the two vine covered bushes
remove bushes that were covered with vines
remove barbed wire from fences
remove old fence posts
cut down cedar tree next to pecan
cut volunteer tree next to pecan
clear trees around pecans next to kennels
move vines and trees to make room for truck
talk to WB about budget
finish work parties at lake
sort church
sort parents
make list of things to do for next 3 months
take volunteer class
suss out other volunteer activity
get fabric for church project

I'm sure that there's other things that I've missed but the next three months are mapped out. Outside work, inside work, ready for painter, get painter and carpenter, move chickens, set up green house, clear the front fence lines, get dogs sorted for the year...

There's more but this is enough to think of. The idea is to phase in schedule for tai chi, gym, fencing, and sailing. Lol makes me tired to list it so I'll just list what's been done.

Fantastic two days. Got 99% of work done and got to do the volunteer work too. There's a party at the middle of the month. Time to give pups their <3 and="" br="" clip="" meds="" shots="" toenails.=""> I've pretty much concluded that my horoscope is a bust but hard work here at the farm, on the boat, or out at the lake isn't.

You should see the view.


I like to see the progress. The antidote to the nonsence that my parents of pushing.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

I want to remember. Friday Feb 4, 2011.   From what mom said Thursday? Dad went into the hospital Jan 15th. I remember asking why they didn't call me when he first went into the hospital.  She said it was because they didn't want to worry me.  I tell here I could help. I have a background that might (and did) help. She spits out that I'd be of no use. Then Thursday she says again that he went into the hospital on the 15 of January. I tell here that they didn't contact me until the end of January. To be accurate?  Feb 4th, 2011.

My father is saying that UAB didn't keep him alive.  My father's doctor is talking to my sister in law. My mother is keeping him home with home health care. She's not taking him to the senior center. Now he's second guessing the people that kept him alive in favor of people that nearly put him in the ground.
I am very worried about my dad. Mom told him that she was by his side all of the time. She wasn't when he was unconscious. Then she  only went to see him once a day. The other time she was staying at my brother's house.  I know because I went to see him the rest of the time. She only started going there after she found out I was stay the rest of the time.

I'm worried for daddy. Very, very worried. I'm just not sure what to do.

Oh yah.  Time to work on the west fence and the woods edge. Might even cut through for path for nest kennel site. Got a lot done today. Still have to make sure there's no barbed wire on the west fence path but I think that it can be done.

Hope list for March, April, May?

No real order Just wake up, look out the window and pick something to do. Best priority is weather and what help that I have to do things.

learn to clean chain saw
get new chain for chain saw
take limb and sweep east, north, and west paths
cut trees sort out pole barn site

Pull up barbed wire on and along west fence.
Cut trees etal along west fence
Move trees to wash, to prevent wash, etc
Cut trees along wood edge
Remove vines and undergrowth
Cut path from east to west  fence lines
Cut path from new kennel area to the grass yard
Make moveable for walking across wash
Cut trees move vines on the house side of the east fence
Set up new chicken yard to clear grass
set up green house

clean around pecan trees
clean south fence line
fix kennels
set up new kennels
Dogs get shots and visits

organize yard
cut bushes for painter
estimates for painting house
make new chicken houses
put doors on chicken house
storage building behind house
storage building at new kennels
set up sink and solar water heater at kennels
learn to use post auger
use post auger to install gates and for kennel pen
set up wood pile for house and for each living section
set up swing
beer garden for WB
kitchen upgrade *sink, flooring, cabinet doors
Clean closets

This is a long list and it's definitely not in order. A lot is weather dependent. If it's raining there's inside stuff. Otherwise it's outside stuff.  The outside is important now because of the heat in June through September. I'm saving that for inside and for renovations that other people do.

We're doing pretty good. My goal for Feb was to clean the fence lines for the west parcel, the edges of the woods, and any place that was in the way when WB bush hogged.  I'm hoping to have this all done by Sunday next week. My goal for March was to finish the chicken and new dog kennels.  Get the dogs shots, clean my closets, clean WB's closets, and spring clean the kitchen. I need help for some of the outside work. I'm not keen on using the chainsaw without someone else here. Plus it's easier to cut and then move limbs with help. I have to work quickly because the sap rises and by June the bushes and grass can be tall.  Already the sap is rising. If it can stay coldish the snakes will stay in their dens.
Note MUST have west fence and gate sorted for the dogs to stay outside. That might be project for this coming weekend.

I'm so excited about what we did today. I know that it will be just beautiful by the end of next weekend.

April is for working on the house yard and putting up the green house. It should be warm enough to have the chickens in their new yard.  The only thing I can't really do is cut the front bushes. Have to make sure that the Mockingbirds don't have nests in the holly. Really should prune trees and root the cuttings.

Considering the sad thing that happened this past Thursday, I'm getting sleep. Has a lot to do with the physical work that we're doing. I'm just pooped. It's a good tired as I have something done and something to do tomorrow.

Songs that I heard today were by Colin Hay (Men at Work) and the Steel Sisters. (Re broadcast of a June  2013 Prairie Home Companion.

You know.  My perfect day is waking up, dressing, snack, sorting the dogs, going outside to work, break for late full breakfast or early lunch, project work in yard, visit with dogs while taking a rest or reading in the hammock, shower, supper, movie,  check the emails and watch previous night's LLS  or tv (Big Bang Theory, 2 broke girls, American Idol, the political shows on Friday night and the Sunday AM now that it's coming on the political season, How I Met Your Mother, and Glee)
I also like baseball (Braves)and college football (SEC games). It's lovely to work outside in the morning in Summer, shower, eat lunch, and then watch the Braves under the air conditioner. Chips, soda, or pop corn.

This is a lot to do. Going to bed. Lots to do tomorrow.

PS My parents are idiots. They could be spending time with all of their family. We're fun and we have something to show for our time.  We're interesting.  They're so wound up and uncomfortable. Hiding.  We're moving forward. Ah well I hope that things will change for them. For me? No more stories for them. I saw them in their real and I've got things to do. I haven't got time for that level of pain.

Today? They missed visiting with us after we worked outside.  Under the trees with Lucky, Pup, and WB.  All of us so tired. Except Lucky who could have gone on for the rest of the evening.  They missed seafood night at the local restaurant (oysters! and nice people). Tomorrow they'll miss more work but they'll also miss church and the lunch after. You've gotta love a church who'll take you in Sunday service dressed in your outside work clothes. Last Sunday I pulled tree limbs right up until 15 minutes before service. We came in late. I was wearing my tshirt covered in dirt.  Same for night meeting. Tomorrow will be the same. Worked around the rain last Sunday( it started just before church and stopped just after). They'll miss putting my boat in the water at the lake.  They'll miss the life here for staying at home. Holding on to old fights.  They'll miss us. Maybe. I hope that things will change but after last Thursday, I've stopped waiting for it like it was the only thing to do. Waiting for them to change like they're  the last bus of the night on a mean street.  Theirs is a mean street but here? It's not.

I miss Newt and Billy. I'd tell them and they'd tell me to go forward.  I think that they'd understand.

I miss Newt stories. I miss watching Billy dance. Seeing him with his head set in such a way. Reading his letters. Unlike the angst of my parents, Billy and Newt's  were creative worlds alive with thought.

I'd love to have BudN show up in the middle of all this. Like he did the last time.  I'd stop what I was doing. We'd all stop what we were doing and drink glasses of ice tea in the shade. Then?  Then we'd stand him a dinner from the It Don't Matter. Under the trees. It's a Sunday tradition.

And mercy, I miss having IrishDavid in my world. I miss him fierce.


To bed now. I found out last Thursday that I haven't wasted the very air that I breath. I have things to show for my time.
Good things.



