Monday, April 26, 2010

Livin' the dream...

As many of you know by now, I've been kind of disinherited by my folks. They've kind of informed me that perhaps I might need to suppliment my income with -- a job.

Their suggestions?

Doing yard work. Working in the restaurant. Pool person.

Pool person?

I'm unfortunately over qualified for these jobs.

I'm a writer. I've got a friggin' college degree.

I was worried.

Then? I talked to my friend that sells mild mannered milk goats.

I can follow this dream of being a "couch anchor", goat herder. But still there was so much self doubt.

So I talked to my friend the musician..

She's not afraid to follow her dream...

Be strong, Goat Herder Boy. Be strong and follow your dream of writing a successful blog about raising organic happy goats and making artisanal goat cheese for you parent's yuppy foodie friends..."

"The morning sun is shining like..." --

Written @