Monday, August 23, 2010

But your honor....(or how I actually got out of jury duty honestly -- kind a)


The funniest jury duty story that I've ever heard.

Young mother gets a notice of jury duty. She calls the person in charge and tells them that she'd love to do jury duty but she'd have to bring her baby along because didn't have a sitter. "Not to worry," the young mother says, "He only gets fussy when he's humgry but since I'm breast feeding that shouldn't be a problem. I'll bring a blanket. I don't think the sight of a breast feeding mom should disrupt the court proceedings. Of course, I do have a tendency to fall asleep. If I start snoring? Tell the juror sitting next to me to do what everyoneelse does. Just poke me in the ribs then shout in my ear, "Wake the feck up!" I'll be awake in no time"

She was excused and hasn't heard back from the court since.

Except for the "... Wake the feck up!..." part? This is a true story of how I actually got out of jury duty. I wasn't lying or trying to get out of it. Honest. I was just worn out. When I was summonded, my Pup was nursing every two hours just about round the clock. I got no sleep and when I was awake was so sleepy that wake time was a blur. Thank goodness that the person in charge was a nice person.)

Hugs. Hope if you are selected it's a short but interesting case that you can vote on with clear concience.


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