Saturday, September 18, 2010

The last time I was this bored I wrote about ... :D


In the beginning there was - virginity.

It was a cold, dark, and empty existence.

Then a miracle happened.

A space orgasim.

AKA the dawn of life.

After that experience?

The world just wasn't the same.

The Universe.
Not a virgin anymore.

tee hee




  1. If you're reading this post, I should let you know that it is the second most viewed post on this blog.



  2. It is official.

    This is the most read post on my blog.

    The most read.

    Not the post with poetry.

    Not the post with short story.

    Not the post about my dad.

    Nope. Nope. AND? Nope.

    This one.
    This blog post is the most read of all my posts.


    "Some people call me the space cowboy..."

  3. LOL. Still the most read post on this blog....
