Friday, October 15, 2010

The eagle has landed...


Or rather my boat is out of the water.

Hurray. This morning I took photos of the boat. It looks good. I can remember before I didn't have this boat thinking that it would not be possible. Then this past year when it seemed like I would never actually get to work on it but now I'm actually getting the boat situated.

As soon as the mast was down, I closed my eyes, said thank you to God, and then began editing photos. Lots of work to do. I'm going to try to get a boat blog. Hopefully will post photos. There are some really good action shots and excellent photos of the marina.

I can rest easy tonight.

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

The dogs are barking. Gotta get dog food for them and sort stuff out for the coming week. Finally a "to do" list that is happy.


Hugs if anyone is reading this.



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