Wednesday, March 30, 2011



"Some call it destiny. Some call it being at the right place at the right time..."

I call it?



1 comment:

  1. .

    So I'm sitting here, finally have my laptop out. I'm in a lovely cool place. The people are nice. It's quiet in a good way and guess what --

    I have to pee.

    I'm sorry to be so crude but it's true and highly annoying. The nearest place to go is in another part of the building and there's noone here to watch my stuff while I'm gone.

    So here I sit waiting to see if this is something that my bladder can ignore or if it's going to turn into the emergency pee that will me a hasty packing up of back pack and a mad dash around the corner, down the stairs, around the corner, and hopefully not waiting.

    At this moment people who are gainfully employed do not have this problem. Sure they may be in a meeting but that's okay because they have their cellphones on "stun gun" and their "this is a very serious situation that requires my complete attention" face on as they run out the door to the potty or a smoke.


    I just sit here writing this and hoping that it's distracting enough and my bladder is big enough or my pants are loose enough that this problem will somehow go away.

    So far? Not good.

    This morning I woke up at 3:30 with the same problem (the peeing) but not the same problem (this time I didn't want to wake up) hoping for the same solution. I took of my socks and watch while I was waiting. I don't know why because I was half asleep while I was doing it. I do know that I spent the next hour kind of asleep with my hands clenching both the watch and the socks. I was trying very hard to think dry thoughts but that was about it.


    Some will call this destiny.

    I will call it a hopefully forgetable problem.

    I did meet some nice people today

    and my foot itches.

