Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This is the SECOND time I've had to write this because once again the Stupid Fairy has come to visit and delete.


Because I know (from the stats) that some of the people who read my blog probably don't speak English as their first language?

A note.

I speak Southern. Southern mixed with alittle Midwestern.

To complicate matters, the Southern that I speak, while it has it's roots in the land of Faulkner, isn't exactly his kind of Southern. He'd have recognized and understoon what I say, but he'd agree that it wasn't the Southern of Scarlett OHara nor was it the Southern or Big Daddy. The place that I come from is a mix of many cultures: French, Scot, English, German, and Spanish. Add to it the dialets of the Caribe indians and the folks from the African continent and you've got Southern. Depending on where you come from it could be English teacher Southern or it could be Country Southern.

I don't think that there's a translator for it.

So if you read this you'll either have to find someone who speaks Southern to translate or learn Southern.

It's for this reason that I do not like for people to translate what I've written. I also do not llike folks to edit behind me. The misspelled words and the grammer errors are for the most part on purpose.

If you don't know how to speak the language you'll miss the nuances.

All you'll have is "...angry raisens..."

If you're interested I'll post the link to a funny book that kind of explains in the comments.

First lesson?
Sweet Tea...


  1. The book, "I Love You. Now Hush" is by the author Malinda Rainey. You can find the book on Amazon. I've met one of the authors and she's "a hoot".

    You can even read a part of the book on line. (I think it's Chapter Six.}

    Now don't edit and ask questions if you don't understand.


    Ann (the author of 12dots)

  2. Now it's official, I'm exhausted from the BS of this computer and the gremlins who are stalking my blog.

    Going to go outside before I get really angry at the intrusion.


  3. Chapter 6

