Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I've finally found someone who is an absolute prick.



  1. .

    I truly wish that what was happening was something otherwise. I really do. I'd prefer that it was something lacking on my part but the honest to God truth is that the man is a prick. Honest. If you look up the word? There he his in the example with a penis on his head.

    Up until now, I held out some kind of delustional hope that he was actually misunderstood. I really did. I thought that maybe it was just me but it wasn't. He's a jerk.

    Worse? He's a jerk who uses his disability to manipulate people. I think that was what finally did it. The people who I've met with disabilities have alot on their proverbial "plate". Sometimes they bitch about it and I don't blame them. We all have our moments. But I'm pretty sure this is the first person who I've run into who actually uses their disability for profit.

    I don't like him for it.

    So what happened?

    He contacts me out of the blue to "do me a favor" when in actuality he'd just run out of people to use and thought that I'd be there waiting.

    LOL, I wasn't AND I wasn't fooled either.

    He still hasn't asked me how my dad is doing. My dad who nearly died. My dad who spent the spring relearning how to stand and feed himself. Nothing. My entire series of interactions have been him asking me what he needs. Not a care for anyone other than himself.

    Then he emails me pissed saying that I had something of his. LOL that was it. I finally realized that the man was one of the most selfish people I'd ever met. He would take advantage and use people. I finally got it.

    He was a prick.

    It was such a liberation that this isn't even a rant. It's just a reminder that some folks are just jerks no matter how much you try to make it different.

    I'm free or the illusion and now can be nice, grown up, and most important clear eyed about a person who I once thought was my friend.

    He wasn't.


  2. joni Mitchell just like this train 1998 red rocks youtube. I'm reading this from much later in the future time. I've let this friend go into the deep like that character on Titantic lets Leonardo diCaprio into the cold, briney deep. Let go and didn't look back. From what I hear he's still using his disability to take advantage. The only difference is that I'm not emotional about it. More pragmatic about the situation. It did teach me to see it for the lesson. It's a lesson I've used several times since then. I finally have an understanding of why my Dad would look at people and say, "Ah no. I've no time for your nonsense." It's better.

