Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Dear Person Who's On a Macintosh Reading My Blog,


I just write this blog.

I don't read it.

Well - maybe-  sometimes - but not much.

Not like the old blog.

Now there? You could actually find writing that would entertain.

This one is more like upchucking or verbal diarrhea.

Not like the old blog.


Was Haiku.
Was free verse.
Actually short stories that I actually worked on.

There if I got really bored I'd write odes to the "hemmorhoids" in my life.



But  if you could actually comment?  I could be talked into writing something other than the word, "actually" in a semi literate sentence.

Here's an idea.

A challenge for us both.

I'll write one verse of a real life actual poem for every comment you post.

It's a bargain.

You type in something like "a;lslgue"

And I'll type in

uhm -

"...John has eyes.
    Not like limped pools.
    Not like jade or cinnamon or the blue skies of a June day.
    These eyes are small.
    The color of
    And they change colors like a mood ring.
    You do know what that is?  A Mood Ring? ...."

I know. It's free verse so I'm cheating a bit.  I don't think that Iambic pentameter has come from this cerebral cortex in a while. But if I look around and find that a sonnet might be better than a snore?
If there was some reason to fire off a synapse or two?
I can wake up long enough to say or write something.


Who are you behind that Macintosh?

(I'll have to make sure but I don't think that anyone has actually commented on this blog. The did on the other one but not this one.)



  1. So I'm not sure if this should count but there's indications on my blog that Macintosh (as I'll now refer to them) has been back reading this post and this blog.

    So even thought they didn't actually post a comment. I'll be a good sport and write alittle more.

    Cya tomoorrow.

