Wednesday, June 20, 2012


While you are watching this remember that Merida is not being asked to clean her room.

She's being asked to marry a complete stranger by her mother. 

Because it's custom.


PS LOL at what the folks are reading here on 12 dots.  Funny.

And for that movie review reading list?

Please add.

Please note:

"...Andrews: She isn’t any different. She’s like Woody. The thing that makes “Toy Story” work is that Woody’s problems come about as a result of his own faults. The thing that makes “Brave” take off is a result of Merida’s own faults. ...

That Mr. Andrews is talking about Merida's refusal to marry.  This isn't the first time I've read this.


Q: Was there anything cut that was painful?
Andrews: Not for me. I know there were scenes the story artists had worked on such as one where the lords were trying to talk to Elinor through the door to her room, thinking she’s in there, but it’s actually the triplet (sons) who are trying to distract them. It’s funny and they spent a lot of time on it but the whole idea was just lifted (out). Also, animals weren’t in the film at all (before I came onboard) so I put animals in. The tech guys who spent two years creating scenes with snow weren’t happy with me because I cut out those scenes...."

LOL Well that explains a whole lot.

Happy summer vaca ya'll.



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