Sunday, September 22, 2013

House Divided


I've finally figured out how to solve my college football problem.
This is a what is known as a "house divided".   In Alabama people take their college football very seriously.  The Iron Bowl rivalry here in Alabama is legendary.  People have been known to get shot over the game. True, alcoholic beverages are usually involved but shot is shot and it is over this game and the rivalry between the two universities.
Which kind of leaves me in a tricky place when it comes to football. 
I've tried.
I've been to watch football at my folks house (the Auburn side of the family) and I've been to WB's folks house (the Alabama side of the family).  Everyone talks a big talk about it just being a game but I'm here to tell you that that talk gets a bit loud on both sides and it can follow you right into the local Dollar General.
I've tried and I'm tired of it.
And I've found the solution.
After much thought (4 or 5 minutes) and research (Google) and a random mention of a 1960's tv cartoon,  I have decided to become a fan of the Golden Gophers or Minnesota.  Not only do they have cute tshirts, they will never play either Alabama nor Auburn. 
They also won their last game.
(No drama about losing seasons and legal problems with their coaching staff.)
It's all good.
So Roll tide, War Eagle, and Go, go, gophers.

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