Monday, March 6, 2017

I remember how it felt.  Standing in the woods, looking at all of the work left to do, and feeling overwhelmed, I wondered if there would be a time when this part of the process would be over.
Tonight, when Pup and I stopped working, I was able to answer my earlier question.
I think there is an end to this part. We've got one small spot and then lots of sorting but I'm sure that we'll  finish.

So what was the problem?

I had to make my goals just as important as WB's and Pup's goals. I'm  happy to help them accomplish their goals.
They should be just as happy to help me to do the same.

I've been working on this project for at least 5 years. This project helps all three of us. I waited until it was right for all. Now is my time too.

There, I said it.
Let it be so.

Hugs Pup.
The first step to accomplish a goal is to say it out loud.

Or in this case?

Write it down.

For some reason I miss Newt, Billy, Curt, & Irish Dave.
Like Pup, they would have told me to set a goal and then do it.
What was I waiting for.

I ♡Pup.


♡ I'm  setting my goals and doing it. Yay!

Hello, John Tesh and company.


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