Thursday, June 16, 2011


It's raining.



  1. .

    Great big drops. Tiny ones. Hopefully the rain is going to settle in for abit. The ground has been so dry and the grass in places has gone dormant. The first time I saw the grass go brown during a drought, I thought, "Oh mercy." I was afraid that the drees and green that I'd come to know here would leave. Then the winter rains came and the ground turned green again.

    Zen moment


    Rain and people who even if it's inconvient don't complain about it. I talked to people as it was raining for various reasons. Wasn't the best time for rain but not one was complaining.


    Where some parts of the US have too much? We had too little.


    Yip and yay.

    Computer off because of lightening.



  2. definition of "alittle rain"

    Raining all night long? Good!

    Raining for 10 days straight? Hmm maybe a bit wet.

    Raining for 30 days straight? Someone call Noah. Tell him I've got a boat.

