Tuesday, July 5, 2011


'Chicken Catch - a -torie
Chicken Frick -a - seee.
Come here, Grilled Chicken.
You look like lunch to meeeeee."

WB and Pup have named the "supposed to be hen but sure acts like a rooster so if it is a hen it's either a very type A hen or a lesbian chicken" hen, Grilled Chicken. Actually after today they've named them all. Each of them are named after chicken recipes. There's even a song. That's the words to the song up there.


If you're a member of PETA or perhaps a vegan?
You probably aren't going to be thrilled about this post.

If you read the previous post, you know that last night we had guests. Emmie, our amazing climbing dog, and the 5 chickens (one who turns out to be either a rooster or a lesbian chicken), are all sitting politely in the bathroom with the exhaust fan doing triple duty. They're still our house guests. I wrote about it here . Mister Music please, "Uh , Dad, Mom's eating chocolate frosting out of the jar again...

It started to rain again just after I'd put the water and food in the chicken enclosure and right before I put out the chickens. This isn't just any kind of rain. It's the kind where the wind blows and the lightening goes nuts and so does Domi. Anyway, I tried to put Emmie back in the kennel, it's raining, the other pups got out, then Emmie climbed the fence AGAIN. I'm covered in dog hair and mud but can't take a shower until it stops with the lightening.

Here we are, once again, all one big happy animal/human family.

"Bwak, Supper Chicken - oops, I mean - Super Chicken.  I need a barn."

Soggy yay.


PS I don't know how Emmie learned to climb the kennel fence. I didn't teacher her but she looked mighty pizzed when I put her back outside after being inside on her own rug. Can't blame her for being annoyed. I would bring her inside but I just don't have any more room.

"Lord, I really do need a barn. Or, with all the rain? Maybe an ark."


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