Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Happy New Year.
Hope that all the readers here have a safe evening and that they get to spend it with the people who they love.
There's a tradition in Scotland. Something about the first visitor you have in the New Year.
Tonight, very much like Christmas at midnight, I'll stand on my stoop and read the Preamble and the First Amendment. I'll say a thank you that I'm American. I'll give thanks that I have the freedom to choose to believe or not to believe without the government's intervention.
Then I'll sing
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne* ?
Then like the idiot I am, I'll look at the gate and hope for company.
Go inside when none shows up and go to bed.
I'll remember to be thankful that I have a healthy Pup, a place for him, myself, and the pups. I'll be thankful that this year I have access to the water. As nice as this place is, I am still very much a water baby.
I'll be thankful for the good that's come this year and bring it with me into the new.
Be safe.
Happy New Year.
Hope that all the readers here have a safe evening and that they get to spend it with the people who they love.
There's a tradition in Scotland. Something about the first visitor you have in the New Year.
Tonight, very much like Christmas at midnight, I'll stand on my stoop and read the Preamble and the First Amendment. I'll say a thank you that I'm American. I'll give thanks that I have the freedom to choose to believe or not to believe without the government's intervention.
Then I'll sing
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne* ?
- For auld lang syne, my jo,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
Then like the idiot I am, I'll look at the gate and hope for company.
Go inside when none shows up and go to bed.
I'll remember to be thankful that I have a healthy Pup, a place for him, myself, and the pups. I'll be thankful that this year I have access to the water. As nice as this place is, I am still very much a water baby.
I'll be thankful for the good that's come this year and bring it with me into the new.
Be safe.
Happy New Year.
What I hope for Pup?. I hope that he finds someone who'll love him "...forever and ever... Amen"
I wouldn't mind having this myself.
My dad told me the story about a man and his son.
The son was working at a boat yard. Everyday at lunch, the dad would bring them both something to eat. They'd go down to the dock, eat lunch, and talk. He did this everyday his son was at work. Then Dad told me how the son came to work at that boat yard. The son had gotten in trouble at his previous job. It had to do with money. The Dad got him a job at the boat yard. The boat yard was a family business. The owners were friends and had a big family. They just took the son and his father in as one more of their own.
And everyday the Dad went to see his son. He couldn't always change the past, but he could keep him company in the present.
I always think on that whenever I see Pup. I think of God and of family and how lucky a person is to have a Father's love.
I think of this song too.
I don't understand my Mom so much. I try to but I don't. I think that she loves me. I think that she has a reason for why she does what she does.
I tell myself that I'm lucky to have a family at all and then I count my blessings.
I remind myself that "I'm strong."
And I tell myself how lucky I am to have Pup, a roof over my head, something good to do with my time, and that I have a church family to take me in.
My Mom, my Dad, Pup, WB, I'm -- we're still alive.
There's still time.
The son was working at a boat yard. Everyday at lunch, the dad would bring them both something to eat. They'd go down to the dock, eat lunch, and talk. He did this everyday his son was at work. Then Dad told me how the son came to work at that boat yard. The son had gotten in trouble at his previous job. It had to do with money. The Dad got him a job at the boat yard. The boat yard was a family business. The owners were friends and had a big family. They just took the son and his father in as one more of their own.
And everyday the Dad went to see his son. He couldn't always change the past, but he could keep him company in the present.
I always think on that whenever I see Pup. I think of God and of family and how lucky a person is to have a Father's love.
I think of this song too.
I don't understand my Mom so much. I try to but I don't. I think that she loves me. I think that she has a reason for why she does what she does.
I tell myself that I'm lucky to have a family at all and then I count my blessings.
I remind myself that "I'm strong."
And I tell myself how lucky I am to have Pup, a roof over my head, something good to do with my time, and that I have a church family to take me in.
My Mom, my Dad, Pup, WB, I'm -- we're still alive.
There's still time.
I love my Dad a lot. Thanks to him, I have this feeling that there are mountains to climb. I can climb them. For most of my life, my Mom told me that the reason why he never hugged my neck was his mother's fault. She was distant. They just weren't hugging people. I had to accept that and be glad for the relationship that I did have. The same story she told my son. So we believe it. That was until my brother married and he had kids. There Pup and I were watching my Dad hug my brother's neck, my sister in law's neck, and my brother's kid's neck. But Pup and I? There was that perfunctory hug and that was it. Stoic.
When dad finally emerged from being sick, I went to see him. He was still pretty out of it. It was before the therapy so his speech was slurred. Out of the blue he hugged my neck and said, "I love you." I was beside myself. Later I would tell someone about that hug. Then I'd tell them that my brother needed my dad. That when he hugged my neck, I finally would be enough because I knew. I was tough and I was okay. The person I told this to looked down at the floor. She didn't say anything she just looked at me. "It's okay." I'm telling her. I'm strong like my father raise me to be.
"I'm strong."
Those are words that I've told myself over and over. When Mom lied. When my son died. When I was pretty sure that WB really didn't want me around? When we didn't have a church? I told myself I was strong.
But everytime I said it, I little voice said, "That's not fair."
When WB used to stand me up and I forgave because after all that's the kind of relationships I would get? I wonder. What if my my Mother had told me that my Dad didn't hug me because of his Mom but that didn't mean he couldn't hug me. She did that for my brother, his wife, and his kids. But Pup and I? For some reason other folks would have to be our Dad and grandfather.
My son? He hugs people's neck and cares about them. When he has a daughter, he'll worry over her and she'll have a clue of what a healthy relationship looks like.
I made sure he knew how.
Author Anne.
I predict
Ah New Year's Eve.
If you've read this blog for any amount of time (or if you just happened to luck out and find it), you know how much I dis like Valentine's Day. This should have been viewed with a bit of quizzical curiosity. One of the jobs that I liked the most was when I used to deliver singing telegrams dressed as Cupid. If you worked at it you might could find a photo of me dressed up in my work clothes. One of the columnists who worked for the local paper wrote about me and my business. The photo the paper took was excellent. There I was with bow and arrow with white satin wings and red tights.
The article talked about the life changes that led to my "life path".
So what does that have to do with New Year's Eve?
New Years can be more than a gigantic party or a sit at home pity party. It is for a lot of people a time of reflection. For many it's when you look back at your life and possibly say, "What the fcuk?" and then promise yourself you'll change. For others, it's a time look back at the good and the bad of the previous year and decide what to bring to the new year and what to leave behind. And let's face it. The night can be an excuse to get down and get drunk. A great big excuse to act badly and then forget it. Kind of like Vegas.
A long time ago, I found myself at my parent's house sitting in bed with a bottle of wine and the radio. It wasn't my best day and I was feeling VERY sorry for myself. Then with great luck, diving inspiration and "Karma" said, "Why are you looking back and feeling sorry for yourself. You're too young. Write a list of all the thing that you've always wanted to do and then do it."
So I did.
I still have the list.
I'd have to go find it but if my memory is correct, the only three things that I haven't done on that list are: see the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, learn to speak French, and celebrate NewYears in Times Square. Most of the things I did along time ago when I had the freedom to do so. Some of the things that I've done have taken a long time (I'm looking at you sailboat). When Pup was growing up, there were things on that list that wasn't possible. I had responsibilities. New Years Eve and Thanksgiving only happen once a year. I did get the French books though.
I'd like to write here that I'll finally finish that list this year. It would be nice to write that this is the year that I'll learn French and book the hotel room for New Years and that Macy's parade. I'd like to write that. Unfortunately the last 24 hours makes that look dicey.
If I had to predict what will happen in 2014, it would be something a bit less celebratory.
Last night, after telling myself and my parents all kinds of pretty stories about my relationship with WB, he told one of his own. I thought that it might have been the stress of work or the beer. Sometimes when it's been too much, we all say things that we wish we could put back in our mouths. This morning it was still there and it wasn't the beer talking. He said the same thing only this time he was sober.
There's a lot that I've stopped doing in my life in order to be responsible. I've twisted my life and put the list I'd love to do away in the name of Responsibility. Here in the twilight of winter, I see that day when I sat in the chair in the living room and said, "I don't want to continue this..."
The difference is that I've learned how to come back to life...
List of things that I'm bring with me into the New Year.
1 Pup
2 The pups including the new dog
3 My church
4 volunteering at the church
5 (hopefully) volunteering at the animal shelter (I'm pretty good with dogs)
6 the sailboat
7 writing
Guess that's one of the fiction stories I'm so great at telling. So as much as I hope that my parents and I will be great in 2014? She was so happy to have me somewhere else on Sunday that I'm guessing not. "Your family is with that church were you live." No, Mom. My family? Is you and Dad and WB and my brother who you said was too busy to eat a Sunday meal with us. She's been pushing me away for my entire life and saying that it was my fault. It's not. Thing is that these people are my parents. They're supposed to be grown ups. They're the ones who were supposed to have been there.
Number 8? Before they die? I hope that I have a relationship where I'm sure that my parents actually want me around.
9 that list from a long time ago with other things added
10traveling. Part of my list was to travel I did.
11a phone call to one of the people on my previous list
12myself now. the one who would have been telling herself that it was all her fault. It's not.
13mycamera to record it
14my blogs to write about it
15the little flicker of life that was there that night on New Years. The little voice that said, "You can feel sorry for yourself or you can take control of your life and do something positive.
16My sanity and self worth and that other voice that says, "Toxic people aren't good for you. Go find the happy ones, the kind ones, and hope that they'll let you in."
There's more to this list.
From what I can tell WB's misery is of his own making. I wouldn't be surprised if he left.
As for 2014 and why I DON'T like Valentine's Day?
What does it have to do with New Years?
Because for a long time I've put that person. The one who loved her job. The one who got to make people happy? Has been locked in the box of Responsibility. Every New Year's day I let people put me there and then say terrible things about how lacking in this and that I was. I let them tell me that I was a fcuk up. Over and over and over....
I'm happy to say I'm not.
I'm happy.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Lawdy ya'll. It's happened again. Dear Person from Russia Who is Reading My Blog.
. I am NOT making fun of the head of a country.
I am NOT making fun of the head of a country
I am NOT making fun of the head of a country.\
I am NOT making fun of the head of a country...
I will not make fun of the head of another country...
I am however not blind.
I said it before and I'll say it again. V Putin is a hunk.
.I will not make fun of the head of another country...
One way or the other.
Stray dog is definitely going to find his place "to be"
This is thanks to some really incredible people with very, very kind hearts.
I am so thankful to have met these people.
They have such kindness..
They've give their time to help others.
Such an optimistic thing to do.
Good people to know.
PS. Today, I got to make and eat lunch with my Mom, Dad, WB, and Pup. This coming week I get to bring order to chaos and spend time with Stray Dog and Pup. I'm really looking forward to it.
Happy rest of 2013.
Happy 2014
Golly, golly.
To say that the next couple of day will be busy is an understatement.
This past week has been about the pup. I don't mind because it was important. Now that he's (a bit more) settled, because today we spent with my folks, and because everything else was put on the back burner? There are things to do.
Things like cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the kennels, exercising the pups, and washing the clothes that didn't get washed over the last couple of days. Honestly, I feel so much better about pup (and because I always feel much better with clean kennel, kitchens, and closets), I'm actually looking forward to sorting things in the house. Pups will help me with the pups. That will move things along. I'm also not going to have to cook for the next two days. Have the shopping done for the New Years day meal so I'm not going to have to stop everything to go to the grocery. The place that I'm volunteering at isn't open this week.
Only thing to do now is concentrate on bringing order to chaos.
Whistle while you work...
By the by our menu for New Years day is kind of old school southern.
Baked ham
Black eyed peas
Collard Greens
Sweet Potatoes
Turnip roots
Cornbread Dressing
Fruit salad
Green Salad with Ranch Dressing
Cranberry sauce
Sweet honey mustard
Sweet Gherkins
Green onions
Martin's hot vegetable relish
Sweet Tea
Key Lime Pie
I know that this sounds like a lot of food for three people but it's not.
A little of everything a lot of some.
Lots of collards
A little of the cornbread dressing
Enough for left overs.
Since we didn't cook for Thanksgiving or Christmas, I'm looking forward to New Years.
Happy New Year.
WB, Pup, me, and all the dogs here at Casa 12dots.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Dear God,
I need your help.
Please help me to find an excellent home for Stray Dog.
He's trying so hard to find a place to be.
I understand that.
I can't keep him unless it's okay with WB.
They have very good points.
I just don't know how to do this.
Please help.
I need a sign of some kind so that I know he'll have a home.
Author Ann
Maybe you could change WB's mind.
We have a yard for him and a very good vet.
He trust me, God.
I don't want to break that trust.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Peace on Earth from somewhere in the American South. Love WB, Pup, and me, AuthorAnn
PS. Yesterday (and last week too) I found out that there are places and things that I do that give me the joy in my heart. I am grateful to the people who allowed me into their world. They have the best hugs. From them I got the most wonderful of gifts:
Hope, Hugs, and Love.
I have people who know me now. When I see them they say hello. Their kind hearts are like the porch lights left on for the traveler in the night.
They said that I can come back.
Last week I worked so hard that I couldn't even feel my feet. BUT at the end of the week and the beginning of this one, I was so happy. My heart was light as a feather.
I'm going back when the new year starts.
And the best news?
I'm eating Christmas dinner with my mom, my dad, Pup, WB, WB's mom, and maybe even my brother and his family.
We're going to cook and eat together.
Sunday I ate with my church family.
Friday? I ate with my new friends.
I have seen true Christian kindness.
Not the fake tv kind but the very human kind.
Next year? Me, the person who is infamous about her lousy cooking?
I'm going to learn how to feed people.
I can't tell you how happy that makes me..
Lol the only Southern Comfort in my life?
This kind
Hugs.. .
Now before anyone starts making ASSumptions about me and my being Southern.
You might want to know something about me.
I didn't volunteer there out of some cynical plan to be hip.
The church I volunteered at is historic for many reasons.
The people who I met there didn't take me in because of our sameness.
The people who I met there didn't take me in because of our differences.
They didn't take me in because I was a Christian.
They wouldn't have kept me out because I wasn't.
They took me in because of their kindness.
We all hopefully will have some place where they'll take us in, even if it's in our imaginations.
The wellspring from where we come.
It could be anywhere in the world but it's the place that gives us a sense of belonging.
The family of mankind.
"...I have for years been looking for "home".
Like a nomad I have roamed this Earth.
No place for my feet to put roots.
No place to lay my head to sleep
No room in the inn..."
This week I had places to rest easy.
This week I felt agape.
It is the most wonderful thing.
Once you see happy like this?
You hope that everyone gets to see it.
"There's just got to be some way for there to be one day of Peace for us here on Earth. Some way for our children to know what that feels and sounds like."
Author Ann
Dear Gentle Readers.
Happy holidays.
For us it's
Merry Christmas.
Hope that you and yours have a great end of 2013 and a Happy New Year.
I don't know if I'll be posting anything new in the next two weeks.
If so it will be here.
Many new things to write about but at the moment I'm in the middle of them.
If I'm not here?
I'll try to tweet about it.
In the mean time, I'd love to here from you Gentle Readers.
Comments are surely welcome.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Warning! Warning!
one more and then I have to be out of here.
This is 12 dots (yada yada)....
Read the comments.
And definitely click the links
Just sayin'
This is 12 dots (yada yada)....
Read the comments.
And definitely click the links
Just sayin'
Rule number 945 about (real) women...
"Any woman who feeds you cookies that make you fat is either pregnant,
wants to get pregnant,
wants to get pregnant,
or lives in a candy house in the middle of a magical forrest.
Check the cookie crumbs for a pregnancy test."
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
oh hey and hello! If you are the viewer from South Korea and are still here, would you chat with us? My son loves video games. Do you have a favorite game? We really like Korean food. There's a great tv show called the "Kimchee Chronicles" it's a tv show about Korean food. What's your favorite food?
if you have trouble posting, you could tweet us? @goatherderboy
if you have trouble posting, you could tweet us? @goatherderboy
off the top of my head ...
Loretta lynn
dolly parton
tammy wynette
june carter cash
Barbara mandrell
sara evans
martina McBride
Tanya tucker
leAnn Rimes
the question
as quick as you can type them name at least 10 female country singers
Loretta lynn
dolly parton
tammy wynette
june carter cash
Barbara mandrell
sara evans
martina McBride
Tanya tucker
leAnn Rimes
the question
as quick as you can type them name at least 10 female country singers
LeeAnnRimes RobThomas video Gasoline and Matches
Just the video alone is this worth a look.
But oh my the voice.
If you missed Ms Rime's performance tonight, you might want to go find it.
Before you do?
The video is very good.
Dear Readers,
As you know 12dotsandablot is a fiction writer's blog.
I have to write following because it's Christmas and my mom might be reading.
Dear Mom and Dad,
As you know, fiction writer's are born of practice. If I were a musician, I might practice in a rehearsal hall. I'd practice on the playing field, if I were football player. Writer's practice too.
This is my rehearsal hall.
Here I write all kinds of things and people (at least from the looks of the stats) read it.
If I am to become a good writer, I will need to be able to write a believable character. Mom, you've read almost all of Sue Grafton's novels and John Grisham's. You know that not all the characters are squeaky clean. You would probably not even read through the E novel if they had been. You would think that they were boring. I am sorry that I used the words "fuck you" on one of the earlier posts.
It was appropriate.
Will try to keep it clean while trying to learn to write novel that will pay for that cabin on the lake.
Happy, happy,
Your daughter Ann
Merry Christmas.
As you know 12dotsandablot is a fiction writer's blog.
I have to write following because it's Christmas and my mom might be reading.
Dear Mom and Dad,
As you know, fiction writer's are born of practice. If I were a musician, I might practice in a rehearsal hall. I'd practice on the playing field, if I were football player. Writer's practice too.
This is my rehearsal hall.
Here I write all kinds of things and people (at least from the looks of the stats) read it.
If I am to become a good writer, I will need to be able to write a believable character. Mom, you've read almost all of Sue Grafton's novels and John Grisham's. You know that not all the characters are squeaky clean. You would probably not even read through the E novel if they had been. You would think that they were boring. I am sorry that I used the words "fuck you" on one of the earlier posts.
It was appropriate.
Will try to keep it clean while trying to learn to write novel that will pay for that cabin on the lake.
Happy, happy,
Your daughter Ann
Merry Christmas.
Worth a look.
Putting this here for later
It's Christmas !!! A heart warming story about wishing for wings....
Welcome to the 2013 college football bowl season.
now back to the future
oh no. she's feeling better???????aaaaaaaahhhnnnooo
At least I'm up, bathed, and dressed.
:) Clean hair is therapeutic!
And she ate.
Ginger cookies and dilute milk.
Monday, December 9, 2013
I was going to write about the words, "a good tool". It was going to have graphics and be pithy. About how to some "a good tool" is just that. It's something that's useful. Like a favorite pen or screw driver.
Then I was going to write about how to others "a good tool" isn't very nice. To others it's of the "wind them up and send them out" variety.
I was going to do this and send it to someone here.
Someone who's the first not the last.
So honest that he couldn't lie even if he kept his mouth shut.
Some how I think I have hurt his feelings.
I don't know how to apologize because it's a cultural thing.
He's not going to understand.
He's just not.
Merry Christmas...
"maybe we could all dance for real. I'm hoping that this Christmas I finally get my Christmas wish. I'm hoping that for one day we could all live in peace. That for one day we could be silent and hear the sounds of the heavens. Just for a minute or two. That way our children could know what that sounds like, no matter where we live in this world. It' only takes a minute to hug someone. Even a stranger if that's where you are. Just a minute to remember back to our primal beginnings inside of our mother's womb. It's the most basic, the first feeling we all have as sentient beings." I hope. Please don't be mad at me. You don't even know who I am. .
Merry Christmas.
Back to the future http://12dotsandablot.blogspot.com
one more. from the middle of the night. just so you don't forget...
"A control freak?"
I'm human from a long line of humans.
We spend life times and life times trying to bring order to chaos.
What you call "controlling" is the force that's kept me alive.
It's how we've found fire and voice.
It's why we tell our stories and how we've come to the letters to sentences of words and letters.
Marks that had no meaning till collectively we decided what they meant.
The determination to be heard and understood by the future as well as the past.
It is in us from the moment that we are conceived to make something out of the very essence of life force.
That's not being a control freak.
That's being human.
It's the will to be free.
I'm human from a long line of humans.
We spend life times and life times trying to bring order to chaos.
What you call "controlling" is the force that's kept me alive.
It's how we've found fire and voice.
It's why we tell our stories and how we've come to the letters to sentences of words and letters.
Marks that had no meaning till collectively we decided what they meant.
The determination to be heard and understood by the future as well as the past.
It is in us from the moment that we are conceived to make something out of the very essence of life force.
That's not being a control freak.
That's being human.
It's the will to be free.
Because everyone needs a quote or two..
"Fiction is the closest I'll ever come to telling the truth."
"I love my dad, my son, and my dogs. Everybody else can cut bate for my line."
"My library book is over due. (Again.)"
c anne ford
"He didn't die. He was flung into the cosmos. Back to where he came."
and one to alter ego Hannah Murphy
(Must be feeling better to be quoting Hannah)
"Having fun is the best revenge."
Gotta love Hannah
Lol, There's a can of Vegetarian Vegetable Soup in my future. Soup, ginger ale, and saltine crackers. A queen's banquet.
A song I heard the Carter Family sing.
When I was little, my father took us to Jackson, Mississippi, to hear Johnny Cash sing. I'd heard Johnny Cash sing, but it wasn't until the concert, that I heard the Carter Family.
I'm posting this to say thank you to my dad for insisting we go to hear them.
I'm also posting because of something I read about the resurrection of the new folk movement. The mentioned a lot of new groups who've originated from the Deep South.
I'm not so sure that these guys are the ones to do it. After hearing music from little churches here?
I think that the "new and improved" misses the mark.
At the end of the concert, Cash, June Carter Cash, and the Carter Family sang this song.
I'm posting this to say thank you to my dad for insisting we go to hear them.
I'm also posting because of something I read about the resurrection of the new folk movement. The mentioned a lot of new groups who've originated from the Deep South.
I'm not so sure that these guys are the ones to do it. After hearing music from little churches here?
I think that the "new and improved" misses the mark.
At the end of the concert, Cash, June Carter Cash, and the Carter Family sang this song.
Dear The Lone Bellows,
I hope that you'll forgive the blunt nature of this post but honestly as one Southerner to another?
Go home and listen.
Go home to any little church in Georgia, Alabama, in the Mississippi Delta, or the mountains of the Carolinas, Kentucky, or Virginia.
Sit down, shut up, and listen.
There, if you are lucky, you'll hear the distant call.
The music that you're trying to connect with.
Then when you've found the well spring?
Take a deep, long drink from that well and forget every thing that you've heard.
It's a simple song that you 'll hear.
The emotion let loose to fly.
Even the technically correct fall short of it.
When you sit there and that moment happens. When you are all but sure that there's nothing left of you but breath and heart beat? When a deep exhale, as it it's your last, is all you have left to say.
When you look into the eyes of someone you love desperate that it might be the last time.
Those are the lyrics and that is the melody of the old Southern Sound.
No axes to grind. Just breath to breathe.
"Get up." when your' feeling you can't.
I'm telling you this because I have hope that another voice can be added to the chorus. One to express the new, old sadness of loss. The shards of life that turn to laughter and the song of survival.
Good luck.
Kind regards,
c anne ford, mother, Southerner, writer.
December, 9, 2013
PS It's been a difficult couple of days. Lots of vomiting and diarrhea. I hear this too will pass.
I'm just not what it's supposed to pass into.
Go home and listen.
Go home to any little church in Georgia, Alabama, in the Mississippi Delta, or the mountains of the Carolinas, Kentucky, or Virginia.
Sit down, shut up, and listen.
There, if you are lucky, you'll hear the distant call.
The music that you're trying to connect with.
Then when you've found the well spring?
Take a deep, long drink from that well and forget every thing that you've heard.
It's a simple song that you 'll hear.
The emotion let loose to fly.
Even the technically correct fall short of it.
When you sit there and that moment happens. When you are all but sure that there's nothing left of you but breath and heart beat? When a deep exhale, as it it's your last, is all you have left to say.
When you look into the eyes of someone you love desperate that it might be the last time.
Those are the lyrics and that is the melody of the old Southern Sound.
No axes to grind. Just breath to breathe.
"Get up." when your' feeling you can't.
I'm telling you this because I have hope that another voice can be added to the chorus. One to express the new, old sadness of loss. The shards of life that turn to laughter and the song of survival.
Good luck.
Kind regards,
c anne ford, mother, Southerner, writer.
December, 9, 2013
PS It's been a difficult couple of days. Lots of vomiting and diarrhea. I hear this too will pass.
I'm just not what it's supposed to pass into.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
"...I wrote the sorrow away from my heart
The emotions coraled into a box of words
Put back into Pandora’s Box
Only this time Hope
Outside the box
Falling up
As I move through the soft in slow motion
Soft word on the lips
My mind’s eye comforted
Writing in slow motion
My heart sings
Please don’t be angry with me
All unintentional
I have to write
Author Ann
The emotions coraled into a box of words
Put back into Pandora’s Box
Only this time Hope
Outside the box
Falling up
As I move through the soft in slow motion
Soft word on the lips
My mind’s eye comforted
Writing in slow motion
My heart sings
Please don’t be angry with me
All unintentional
I have to write
Author Ann
C Ann Ford
21 October,2008 all rights reserved by the author
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Tee Hee.
I woke up this morning and thought,
"Holy moly. Today is the 23rd of Novemeber. WB is off all week. Thanksgiving is coming. So is Chanukah, Black Friday shopping, and the first day of the Christmas holiday.
I get to indulge in my love of decorations without the neighbors thinking I've lost it.
"Holy moly. Today is the 23rd of Novemeber. WB is off all week. Thanksgiving is coming. So is Chanukah, Black Friday shopping, and the first day of the Christmas holiday.
I get to indulge in my love of decorations without the neighbors thinking I've lost it.
Most important?
After last years disaster of an IronBowl?
After our favorite Thanksgiving tradition burned to a crisp?
This holiday is gonna be different."
THIS is my year!
From now until January 2013?
Par-tay and festivities.
&I'm gonna blog about it.
Get ready.
How about we start with a walk in the forrest with the two men I'd most like to get caught in a snow storm with.
How about we start with a walk in the forrest with the two men I'd most like to get caught in a snow storm with.
Hello Gentle Readers !!
Today is the beginning of a very busy week here at Casa Dogs.
Gonna be a busy week.
It starts with the world celebration of that Time Traveling, all round great guy, Dr. Who. Today and tomorrow is the Holiday Open House for one of THE BEST places to find a gift. Tomorrow is church. WB is gonna need the rest. Monday, we'll begin preparations for the American holiday, Thanksgiving. We have lot's to be thankful for. Thanksgiving is celebrated on Thursday. It's also one of THE DAYs if you are a college football fan, The Turkey Day Classic. There's a parade, a live broadcast of the festivities, parties and game day tailgating. Friday is the biggest day of the year for sales, Black Friday. It starts at midnight. I've never gone through the process but I'm thinking I might go see and write real time about it. I'll also be buying out the chips and dips section. Not only does this week have the Turkey Day Classic, but on Saturday there is that other college rivalry, the Iron Bowl. This year will be the first where the "house divided" is gonna shine. After a whole week of cleaning, shopping, visiting, and togetherness. Saturday's game between rival teams (my side of the family are BIG Auburn fans and his side are BIG Alabama fans) is gonna be good.
With a SEC championship in the balance and Auburn's Georgia win?
Lol this year, @ 2:30 cst, the gloves are coming off. I might even drink my semi annual beer with this year's BBQ. WB is resting up today. He's gonna need it.
Sunday? Well the final Sunday in WB's vacation begins the Christmas season.
After last year's fiasco and the new Auburn coaches success this year? It's gonna be a very different ball game.
Someone's team is going dooowwwwwwwwnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy holidays Santa Baby and my Chanukah Honey.
IT's gonna be a very good season. :)
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Turn to the left.
Close your eyes.
Feel the breeze pick up.
Go to the forrest.
Close your eyes.
Feel the leaves move.
Flows past you carried on that breeze.
Be still.
And fly.
c ford
Dear Person who uploaded two years work off my blog.
I don't write for you.
You are welcome to upload as long as you give me credit for my writing. Get your own voice. Otherwise where will your mouth be when I die?
You will have to find some other mouth to make your sounds.
Please write your own story.
Fire Signals
"...In the water you can see the blue. It's not the blue of clear. Water there is blue because it's so clear that the fragile light wave blue can be heard. It's not that blue. This is the blue glow of life. Those little creature all there in the water drink in light and then at night they shine to the world the signal, 'I am alive.' Like all the parts that together make a soul, there they float in the water. The starlight dances with them. On a full moon night, Bella Luna comes too.
On night watch, I sing to them. The sound of the sails and the wind sing the chorus. The constellations move past us as they dance. Frozen, in the Heavens, there in the water, their feet unbound.
Bella Luna.
She moves through the water and dances with the wind..."
c ford 11/20/13
Bella Luna?
Good name for a boat. Better than the Selkies' Wife. The Selkie are like Cassiopeia. They're prisoners of their circumstance and someone else's greed. But Bella Luna isn't. Somewhere on Earth she dances with the sea. She moves. The sea moves. The Earth moves.
And so too does my boat.
No woman on Earth will name my boat but me.
I'm thinking?
Bella Luna.
Humph. I miss Newt. I'm thinking that Newt would appreciate this.
When circles dream...
I'm working on when circles dream.
When Circles Dream
When Circles Dream
When circles dream
They dream of you
They always do
Come back to you
The place they find
Is in your head
And if they're lucky
They're in your bed
A million life times
Circle round
A million dreams
They all come down
2 U
c ford
Fun for the easily bored Ipod commercial Daft Punk quartet
hmm try the lower right upper left lower left upper right @ 4 second intervals
Happy Happy
Quartet that Daft Punk @the Grammys 2008
daft punk @ the Grammys 2008
lower right upper left lower left upper right 1 to 2 second intervals
musical chairs...youtube duets go multiple...
I'm clicking upper left then lower right then upper right then lower left with a space of 1 to 2 seconds but there's other ways too.
Dog clock barking. Gotta go. Have fun
I'm clicking upper left then lower right then upper right then lower left with a space of 1 to 2 seconds but there's other ways too.
Dog clock barking. Gotta go. Have fun
Crank it up
They want us to dress up and get people to buy raffle tickets.
Life is just too dam short.
Pull out the big speakers and crank it up.
Live large.
Make the air vibrate.
I'm am.
I'm gonna dance singing at the top of my lungs.
"...Don't give up. You got a reason to live..."
I'm gonna hang on til Spring.
When the little flowers inside the heart start to bloom.
"...Don't let go. You got the music in you..."
Live in the moment then Blog stupid... .
Live in the moment then Blog stupid... .
Live in the moment then Blog stupid... .
PS For the strange and bizarre? Please note. I'm a pacifist.
I believe in love, laughter, and rocknroll.
Please give what help you can to the tornado victims in Indiana....
I didn't want to write a post without first urging anyone reading this to help the storm victims both in Philippines and in the northern Midwest (tornado victims). It's so terrible what has happened.
Now for today's post...
Sometimes there is just a limit to how close a person can get to another...
Lol Duplicate Youtube?
You know what that means?!?!?!?
It's time for Youtube Duets.
So Click the first Youtube then count one or two or 5 or 6 seconds then click the next one.
Youtube Duets!
I love this song and the idea of it. It reminds me of Love Among the Porcupines by C A Ford.
(Great book or it will be when it's published.)
Now this song?
It makes my dog howl. For real. I was just listening to it and my dog began to bark and ...
I love my dog.
I get all emo and he sets me straight.
Kind of "Idiot human! Get your brain out of your "head" and do important things like pet me!"
Great dog.
Live in the moment then Blog stupid... .
Now for today's post...
Sometimes there is just a limit to how close a person can get to another...
Lol Duplicate Youtube?
You know what that means?!?!?!?
It's time for Youtube Duets.
So Click the first Youtube then count one or two or 5 or 6 seconds then click the next one.
Youtube Duets!
I love this song and the idea of it. It reminds me of Love Among the Porcupines by C A Ford.
(Great book or it will be when it's published.)
Now this song?
It makes my dog howl. For real. I was just listening to it and my dog began to bark and ...
I love my dog.
I get all emo and he sets me straight.
Kind of "Idiot human! Get your brain out of your "head" and do important things like pet me!"
Great dog.
Live in the moment then Blog stupid... .
Monday, November 18, 2013
Dear Santa,
Almost that time of year again. Time for the semi annual letter to Santa. As I explained to you in the last letter, I have been one good person this year. I have been kind, true, and almost good enough to be a Boy Scout. That is why I don't feel too bad sending this letter.
Santa, as you remember from my last letter, one of my wishes for Christmas, in addition to things like world peace and a new jib sail, was that (use-to-be) Sailing Buddy could be sent some where other than here. At first I thought that you'd already done this when I heard that he would indeed be traveling clear across the country. "Sure it won't be until this summer," I thought " but heck I can hang in there if it means that (use-to-be) Sailing Buddy was finally in a place that he could sail, be happily Liberal, and not do it in the same US state as I am." Oh hap-py, hap-py day!
Then I found out he was only going to be gone for two weeks. WTF???
So I am writing you another letter because I can see that you might have misunderstood.
I would like for (use-to-be) Sailing Buddy to go else where so that he can find true love and I can FINALLY enjoy sail club. He is not going to find a sugar mama here.
Here is the stronghold of Red State Conservative Republicans. Here even the women own shotguns and they know how to shoot vermin. Where we live, they will think that (use-t0-be) Sailing Buddy is a low life like a possum.
Exhibit A: a photo of what Sailing Buddy looks like to women in this state:
(Use-to-be) Sailing Buddy isn't getting any younger and he wants to be a kept man. If he's to find that long legged, Sugar Mama that he thinks he deserves, he better get going to Minnesota NOW.
And he's going to need your help.
So please, Santa, number 10 on my Christmas List this year? (Use-to-be) Sailing Buddy goes to Minnesota, gets a job, gets a life, and lives that life in a state far, far, away from here.
Now for number 1 -9 on the Christmas wish list....(TBC)
Happy holidays.
Dear Santa,
Almost that time of year again. Time for the semi annual letter to Santa. As I explained to you in the last letter, I have been one good person this year. I have been kind, true, and almost good enough to be a Boy Scout. That is why I don't feel too bad sending this letter.
Santa, as you remember from my last letter, one of my wishes for Christmas, in addition to things like world peace and a new jib sail, was that (use-to-be) Sailing Buddy could be sent some where other than here. At first I thought that you'd already done this when I heard that he would indeed be traveling clear across the country. "Sure it won't be until this summer," I thought " but heck I can hang in there if it means that (use-to-be) Sailing Buddy was finally in a place that he could sail, be happily Liberal, and not do it in the same US state as I am." Oh hap-py, hap-py day!
Then I found out he was only going to be gone for two weeks. WTF???
So I am writing you another letter because I can see that you might have misunderstood.
I would like for (use-to-be) Sailing Buddy to go else where so that he can find true love and I can FINALLY enjoy sail club. He is not going to find a sugar mama here.
Here is the stronghold of Red State Conservative Republicans. Here even the women own shotguns and they know how to shoot vermin. Where we live, they will think that (use-t0-be) Sailing Buddy is a low life like a possum.
Exhibit A: a photo of what Sailing Buddy looks like to women in this state:
There's just not a fighting chance for him to find the kind of woman that (use-to-be) Sailing Buddy is looking for. That's why hearing that you were sending him to Minnesota was such good news. If (Use-to-be) Sailing Buddy is gonna' hunt "deer", he's gotta go to where the "deer" are. I hear that the women in Minnesota have great legs and money, the two attributes that (use-to-be) Sailing Buddy finds mighty attractive in a women.
(Use-to-be) Sailing Buddy isn't getting any younger and he wants to be a kept man. If he's to find that long legged, Sugar Mama that he thinks he deserves, he better get going to Minnesota NOW.
And he's going to need your help.
So please, Santa, number 10 on my Christmas List this year? (Use-to-be) Sailing Buddy goes to Minnesota, gets a job, gets a life, and lives that life in a state far, far, away from here.
Now for number 1 -9 on the Christmas wish list....(TBC)
Happy holidays.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Tornado damage in Indiana
Oh ya'll. What a terrible thing has happened today.
http://news.yahoo.com/tornado-peoria-illinois-180706906.html photos
When the tornado hit in Tuscaloosa and other parts of Alabama, so many people came to help. I can tell you that it was greatly appreciated. I hope that our state will return the kindness.
Our prayers are with the victims of this storm.
Soon our help will be with them too.
Oh ya'll. What a terrible thing has happened today.
http://news.yahoo.com/tornado-peoria-illinois-180706906.html photos
When the tornado hit in Tuscaloosa and other parts of Alabama, so many people came to help. I can tell you that it was greatly appreciated. I hope that our state will return the kindness.
Our prayers are with the victims of this storm.
Soon our help will be with them too.
Friday, November 8, 2013
The next post is going to seem a bit out of place for 12dots.
You have to remember that this is a writer's blog.
Remember the 12 dots disclaimer.
This is 12dotsandablot.
Fact and fiction peacefully co exist here.
If you don't know which is which.
Do not ASSume.
That said, the writer behind this blog is a real person.
Sometimes I write about real things that happen.
Writer Ann
Oh and just for the record?
I'm a lucky person.
You have to remember that this is a writer's blog.
Remember the 12 dots disclaimer.
This is 12dotsandablot.
Fact and fiction peacefully co exist here.
If you don't know which is which.
Do not ASSume.
That said, the writer behind this blog is a real person.
Sometimes I write about real things that happen.
Writer Ann
Oh and just for the record?
I'm a lucky person.
I wasn't going to post anything more this year.
(at least not a separate blog post)
But then something happened.
I couldn't not say something.
It would have been ungrateful.
First, hugs.
Thank you for being so nice to a crazy woman like me.
Pup says "Hello!" and "Thank you!" too.
I meant what I said about being blessed.
For along time, I searched for "a place to be".
This Sunday and every Sunday, when I go to church there are people who notice if I'm there or not. They hug my neck and say "I love you." and "Good to see you." I say it back. I mean it too. How can we every be sad when we know that there are people who would miss us if we are gone. Every Sunday I can sit in this place. It's cool when it's hot and warm when it's cold. The music is beautiful. The message? It tells me that I'm never alone. That someone loves me.
Then? Then I get to eat lunch at the place in the middle of nowhere. That restaurant gave us a place to be when we didn't have a church or even what felt like a friend. They gave us a tradition. Eating under the trees every Sunday.
I know that is true that someone cared.
I mean that.
They weren't the only ones. During this time I talked to all kinds of people. I talked to the mail ladies. We talked to the family that ran the hardware store. We talked to people at the Dollar General, the WalMart, the grocery store clerks, the folks at the library, all kinds of folks. Complete strangers. They shared their day with me. They smiled at me and they said hello. Some of them remembered us when we came back. Even if they didn't, they still smiled back and said hello. It's just the kind of people they are.
During the times when it looked like I was alone?
Always God was there in Heaven and the nice people were here on Earth.
Meeting you. I don't know why it happened but I was happy for the conversation and for the hugs.
Oh my. What hugs.
I'm sorry for the trouble and the unfairness that happened to you.
I hope that whatever happens in the future, that it will be good. I'm not sure that the sadness and unfairness is ever taken away. I can hope that future will be so good that it will make the past not so difficult to remember.
Thank you for the excellent memory. I will replay it in my head and in my heart. I'm still smiling from it.
Oh and I didn't get to tell the story of the man that I meant.
Here it is.
I met a man who was pruning trees. He was exceptionally good at it. Some people prune trees and make them look like they had a losing fight with a chain saw. Not this man. Next to the trees that he'd pruned, there was a stack of limbs but the trees looked as if they'd naturally grown up beautiful.
I stopped to talk to him and ask him if he pruned pecan trees. We had some trees that needed help. What I could see from the road was the best recommendation that man could have. What I didn't know is what would happen as a result.
During the conversation, I thanked him for being so nice to talk to me.
That's when our conversation turned to religion.
He told me that he tried to treat all strangers as if he was entertaining one of God's angels. It was something he'd read in The Bible. Something about treating all strangers with kindness.
Something about entertaining angels unaware.
I hope that I was kind to you all a stranger.
That's why when I hugged your neck, I made the comment of angel's wings growing out of your back. I thought at the time, "She's gonna think that I'm crazy. I should tell her about the story the man on the road told me."
I hope that you will read this so you'll know.
Writer Ann
PS I went to the restaurant and told them that someone might come by. If you get a chance to come this way, please let me know either here or DM on the Tweety. I'd like to repay the kindness for the pizza. The food is really good and the people are nice. (Everyone has their bad days though just in case.) If you come on Sunday, maybe you could go to church with us and then have Sunday dinner.
Or you could come share Thanksgiving with us during the Thanksgiving week.
Let me know.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
"The starlight you see? Died along time ago."
The Magic of Starlight.
c anne ford
According to a cook magazine, (Yes, Virginia, I do read them and I do cook.) no matter what your cultural beginnings, there is some holiday celebrate from now until the end of this year.
And some even after in January.
No matter if you are riding a sleigh or a jet ski or surfing the waves, there is mirth and holiday opportunities to be had.
This year is especially happy.
Our Thanksgiving tradition of going to get take out turkey and dressing from the world's best restaurant and eating off of a workbox has been saved. The restaurant that was burning to the ground last year is open.
We've even been invited to a family Thanksgiving.
Last month, as I counted down the days for this particular holiday, I said to myself,
"You know it's been a long, wet (or dry) summer for someone.
Only one cure for this gloppy uneven year.
Road trip."
Then I looked at the gas pump and then the airline ticket prices and then at my wallet and said,
"Maybe not."
Then I said the one word that is universal and doable no matter where you are or what your circumstances.
Served or paper or china.
Cooked by the finest chefs
by KFC.
No matter where you are.
There is one thing almost as good as a road trip.
All together now.
As I write the opening words for the winter holidays.
No matter who or where you are.
The word is...
"Let's Party"
I'm so happy.
Unless there's a reason, all writing for the rest of this year will be in the comments for this blog post.
Or on the Tweety.
Or Instagram.
Or ?
Starting with....
You know it makes me want to shout... Happy!
Blog stupid...
But drive responsibly.
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