Sunday, April 25, 2010

Diary of Goatherder Boy...

Day one:

Contemplated belly button lint.

Found new species of mold.

Thus sayeth The Goat Herder Boy.

This day 25 April, 2010

Sayeth his long suffering parents?

"It's gonna be a long summer."

Our son.

The one who has his college paid for.

The one who has a plot of land all paid for that will someday be his.

The one who is at this second practicing being a "couch anchor".

Is going to be a goat herder.

No scratch that.

He wants to be a fish wrangler.

That's his diary up there.

I want him to keep a diary of this year.

That's day one.

His father and I are going to be supportive. We're gonna buy hims a 39 dollar tent and put him out on his parcel of land. We're also giving him a sleeping bag, bottled water, ice chest, and a flash light.

Don't worry. He'll also get 20 dollars a week allowance and he's right next door to us.

If he's lucky he'll get to look at the car and can come eat supper with us.

I'm secretly hoping that this really is a phase.

My stomach hurts.