Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hello from vacation.

I'm going to the movies this weekend.  Will write my review here.

By the way,  I might have bloodlines that go  back to Robert the Bruce but my family has been American since the time of the American revolution back in the 1700's.  LOL, I could actually be a full member of the DAR.

I am American.

Before you read this review, you might want to review your vocabulary and your history of the clans of ancient Scotland.

You ll want to know the definition of the words "chattel" and "brave" and "whitewash", "spouse" vs "husband".  You'll also want to know that the time period of this movie was barbaric to say the least.  King Fergus was a clan chieftain.  You might want to think of it as mafia families and King Fergus the Don of the Ferguson family. There would be a reason why the character, Merida, would want to flee from her situation.  In the case of this movie, Merida's character would have been "married" off to another clan and kept as a kind of hostage by her spouses tribe. She'd be expected to produce heirs for her spouses clan. She'd be expected to swear allegiance to this other clan. As "pretty" as Pixar and Disney would try to make it, it would be a desperate situation for the young princes.  Especially a princess who'd been raised by her father to be strong and independent.  Raised male centric.  To go from that to being a hostage isn't the happiest fate. Especially not happy if your mother is telling you that it's a good thing to be a hostage.

The character Queen Elinor wasn't married off into such a fate. Which to me is the real fairytale in this movie.

If Merida's character had been born male it would have been a much different situation.


Again, I am glad that I'm American.  I'm also glad that I have a son and not a daughter.  Even now it amazes me the priveledged given to males vs those given females.

Back later.





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