Thursday, October 7, 2010

Me too - except for the hammock...


'I want to make love in the worst way. Standing up in a hammock."

@DollyLomma on Twitter.

This is what I'm going to be thinking about when they step the mast. For the record, DollyLomma and I are complete strangers and I'm no stalking pervert. Honest. But the idea of this precarious and hopefully profitable endevour is so much like lowering the mast that it just seems fitting.

By the way DollyLomma, if I during the mast stepping I start laughing til spit comes out of my nose?

You'll know whose fault that is.


No more procastinating.

Gotta go do something.




I have found today that you can make a lovely meal out of bacon bits, ranch dressing, taco chips, and jar spagetti sauce. Just dump all in a bowl and add very hungry stomach. Close your eyes, swallow, and mix well. Acutally chewing not required.

Also found out that I have a chronic need for a boat trailer and a mast raising system.

And cable.

And a working cellphone.



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