Sunday, November 13, 2011


Whenever I want to feel pitiful and self absorbed sad, I think of this week long ago when the day was sunny and all the world seem to lay before me. After a long slug through bad medical care I thought that there was hope for one brief moment. Then? It seemed as if winter came and never left.

Then one day...

Some hard things take a while to leave us. Maybe they never do. Not really.

In the following blog posts I write about Zen moments and plans for the future. If you know me you know that this is a long time coming. This will be the first time in many many years where I can finally make my own self laugh out loud. While it still hurts to look at the past, I can see a future too.

Someone asked us how we'd stayed together for so long. I wonder that myself but then I asked WB how it was possible. Then he told me.

We've seen some tough times. Maybe we're together still because neither of us, no matter how hard we tried would let go.

For my sweet baby. I love you even though we never got to say hello.


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