Thursday, July 14, 2011


Forgot how much I really liked this song.

Hmm Howdy. Hope things are good with you Gentle Reader. It's still hot. It's still trying to rain every evening (not complaining as we really do need the rain and afternoon or evening rain works except for the problems with not burning off so maybe an early morning rain might work -- LOL I love a good run on sentence. Anyway.
Things are good.

Pup got to go see the space shuttle launch. Had a great time and saw a bit of history. He's happy.

I'm reading a new book that I got from the Dollar General. If you don't know what a Dollar General is, it's like the old 5 and dime stores only now everything costs a dollar or more. It's got 365 things, that if you do them, should make you happy. #3 says that aromatherapy is our friend. I agree. I honestly think that's why God created The Bath and Body Works. To lift our spirits with lovely sent. In case you are wondering, I smell like a conbination of White Citris (lotion) and Japanese Cherry Blossom. In other words, I smell lovely and spirit is suitably lifted.

It's on sale (75% off), sold online, and I love a present.

Just saying,

Hugs and smooches,


PS Why yes I am writing. Gone low tech with paper and pencil. I miss the speed of recording, the spell check, and the ability to cut and paste but some how I'm surviving. It's just easier. I do check in on the Twitter. Follow me there and I can DM.

. Hi ya. If you read 12dots you know ... to click  for Zen moment.

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