Friday, August 27, 2010

Do they talk about this on WebMD???


I think I just ate ants.

No, I'm not drunk.

Remember how I wrote that I munched on stuff when I was pre occupied and otherwise distracted? I woke up looking for crunch and there was this open bag of Sunchips on the counter and well-- I got a handful out of the bag. (Yeah. Like you've never) So I was crunching and felt this tickling feeling on my hand. Looked down and yikes -- ants. On my hand. So I looked inside the bag and


Not lots and lots but there were one or two.

I'm not sure what happens if you eat an ant. I've been drinking milk and eatting bagels hoping that if there are any ants in my digestive tract they'll be washed away by the milk. To make me feel better someone just told me that we've all probably eatten a spider in our sleep. Then they told me (honest to Got) that if I ate healthy, got enough rest, and was careful any bites an ant bit on the way down should heal in no time. "Oh and that's why I turn on the kitchen lights when I eat." he tells me.

I'm really worried here. These ants that live around here are tough. I've seen them grab on and bite and bite and bite. What if it's tougher than my stomach acid. What if it's been grabbing hold of my esophogus with it's tough little ant feet. I feel something in my throat. What if it's that lone renegade ninja ant. Biting it's way out of my digestive track. Rambo of ants. That's if I'm lucky. I've got hemmoroids. I don't need any more irritations down there.

Anyway here I sit in the dark. Waiting to see if I have any kind of allergic reaction. There's no way I'm calling the emergency room or the 24 hour doctor about this. I'd rather sit here drinking Benadryl and wait it out than tell a receptionist, nurse, and then a doctor, "Well -- I woke up with a case of the munchies and there was this open bag of SunChips -- "

I'm not looking forward to going back to sleep. I'm worried that I'll start dreaming about ants dressed in white tshirts singing --


1 comment:

  1. LOL, Someone is reading my blog and found this particular post. Mercy what they must think of us.

    Please remember the 12dogs, now 12 dots, disclaimer about this being a writer's journal.


    Thanks for reading.

    Trying to read this while balancing one pup on my lap and pet the other pups head. Not easy to concentrate. The one in my lap now loves to lick my face and help me to "type".

    I'd love a comment if you have any.

    Have commented on other websites where no one comments back.

    That isn't the case on my blog. I love to chat.


