Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Words to live by # 495...


"If you're lucky?
You get to experience the things that you missed the first time.
The stuff you missed before be
cause U were too busy or too drunk or just too dumb to notice. It might make you cry or feel overwhelmed but hang on tight. This time you have the wisdom to know it's true worth."

c anne ford
1 February, 2011

Happy February.
The road not taken.
The road you took but didn't appreciate.
The road you travel the second time because you're just lucky to have done so.
I'm sitting in the kitchen. There's frozen lasagna cooking in the microwave. The sink is full of dirty dishes and now the dishwasher has stopped working. There's a part on the way and WB has been promised that the part will be here on Friday.
That's our world.
On the television, there's people protesting. Outside the winds been blowing like it did a couple of years ago when the hurricane came through.
If I looked back to last year? I'm not sure if I'd have anticipated this year.
Keep reading.
Warm thoughts,

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