Tuesday, May 24, 2011



For most of my life my family and I have talked about the weather. It was all around us. From hurricanes off the Gulf of Mexico to the summer droughts to the Spring tornadoes, like the generations before us  we needed to try to understand the weather.

It was from the big hurricanes, like Camile and Katrina, that I learned the true definition of the word "awesome".

This spring has been particularly bad.

From the record breaking tornadoes to the flood,  people everywhere find themselves at the mercy of nature and the weather.

I have watched in awe as people, complete strangers, have come to the aid of the folks who live in our state and in other states.  Complete strangers have banded together to help the injured and try to begin to heel their hearts. 

As you may know, the weather is cyclic. 

I can remember hearing as a child and a young adult time and history recounted by the great storms. I can remember folks saying in the years leading to Katrina, "The next big one will be coming soon. "  And it did.

Katrina with all her force hit the Gulf Coast in the same place that  Camile had come. 

Now I read that the big tornadoes aren't the first.  There were others in the 20's. 

I wonder if there is some way to start a movement to prepare for what may be the next cycle of big storms?

Last year the Governor of our state started a storm preparedness initiative.

Do they have that nationally?

So many people with good hearts are wanting to help during these storms.

We are at heart a kind nation.

What do we do as a nation to prepare for the coming storm cycle?


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