Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Dear Gentle Readers,

As much as I love to blog here and Tweet on the Tweety, I must take a rest. There's plenty to read here. I'll bet you've never read the very first blog posts. There's the Zen of a can of beans. The Zen of man and animals. There's the Zen of neighbors and neighborhoods.

This is an excellent time for us all to look back and to reflect on the joys of life.

As for me? I will most likely be reflecting on the joys of working out of doors in the heat and the joys of cleaning the clothes closet. Followed closely by the joys of hull maintenance on the sailboat. I hear this last joy is most enlightening. If I experience these joys now? I will be able to experience the joy of sailing.

You had to know this was coming.

Me time  aka read, nap, feed the animals, hug the kid, eat lots of healthy things, get to sleep early, get up early, run skip, work on the boat, sail on the boat, be happy, put all kinds of good stuff on the "Already Don List", continue the Give Your Stress a Rest experiment, write about it in comments - no hang on - I'm supposed to give that a rest,  Jump for joy and be happy

And? Write Interactive Blog Stories.. 

I think that I'll even go to Paris.

Paris, Texas.


Now go here. Yip. Like this guy. More on Youtube. Thought... 




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