Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Made a great discovery this afternoon (please note that I said afternoon. My afternoon.)

I found out that there are people who I just don't like.

And some folks who I do like.

That was an important discovery.

Like crossing the Rubicon of personal relationships.

I used to dither. I use to dather about this person or that but now?

Not so much.

And even more important?

I've learned something nifty neat.

I don't have to speak to them if I don't want to.

I just smile sweetly and whisper something like,

"I'm resting my voice."

WB actually answered the phone and told the person who asked, "May I please talk to WB?"

"No you may not."

That's what he told them.

It was brilliant in it's honesty and simple construction.

I've added to this the phrase, " I'm not talking because I'm saving my voice." 

That discovery was wonderful.

Can't wait to try it out.

Know the perfect time.

If you know me keep watching.

I won't lose my voice if I don't speak.


I'll increase it's power when I do.


This is good.


Wonder what I'll learn this evening?

Man looks intense. Here's an idea. Just listen to the music. LOL.

(I'm sober. Imagine things drunk.)

Or maybe not.




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