Thursday, April 14, 2011


Read my horoscope today. Who writes this stuff? Sounds like some meddlesome, slightly frumpy, old maiden aunt who never got out of her room. The slightly musty one that only got a shaft of golden sunlight in the late afternoon. "I take my tea then. When I'm finished, I sit by the fire and read the results of the days writings."

Can't imagine that it actually influences folks in their day to day and lately can't imagine that it does much entertaining either.

Just my opinion.

Hmm It's art history day here at 12 dots.

We're looking for a painting by Gainsborough


LOL found it.

Oh Lord have mercy.

Back in the 1700's there was a woman named Anne Ford until she married and became (lol you are kidding) Mrs. Philip Thicknesse. Apparently Miss Ford wanted to be a musician but her father just said no and tried to have her arrested. Anyway she just said no and went on to play off all things the musical glasses. Somewhere in all this Duke or something offered her 800 pounds per year to be his mistress. She in turn wrote and put up for sale a pamphlet once again "just saying NO". For some unknown reason the Duke wrote his own pamphlet to rebut. Apparently Ms Ford's pamphlet was a best seller. Who knew. Anyway after all this she became Mrs. Phillip Thickness, the subject of Thomas Gainsborough painting, and then a prisoner during the French Revolution. Lucky for her? She could play musical instruments which got her released from prison.  During the 1800s she wrote a book, The School For Fashion. It wasn't about fashion.

Looks like the music lessons paid off.


I've tried to post a photo of the painting but apparently all the links go back to folks trying to sell reprints and reproductions of said painting.

No luck.

Horoscope for today

Your good sense of humor will help you to see the little bunnies frolicing in the meadows or satire. Be nice to the little bunnies.




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