Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Happy List


This next part of the list is funny.

We live out in the country so like it or not we get to get messy.

It's not on purpose.

I remember one particular Sunday when the plumbing went wonky and we were knee deep in the overflow. Not fun. A Sunday call to the plumber was going to cost a fortune so out we go to unstop with "plumber's snake". I never worked so hard. The whole time WB was telling me that if it didn't get fixed soon we were going to have to make "the call".

Then we heard it.

The lovely sound of running water.

You might wonder what I could be adding to the Happy List.

After all I've already added WB.


I'm adding what I've learned here and on the boat. That's the realization that a person can be self reliant.

For that I'm not just happy but also relieved.



  1. .

    I'm also a fan of Sex and the City. No the last movie wasn't a disaster. It was true to the characters.

    So add the entire SATC show AND the movies.

    (although I did think that the movie before the last one was kind of lame. But it's stays on the list because they finally got that idiot out of is self absorption long enough to marry Carrie. Yay)

    LOL at the ending of the last SATC where they had Big give Carrie a ring. LOLOLOLOLOL.

    I can relate.


    So okay, wearing wedding rings might be a good thing. It's just that rings tend to make my ring finger itch.

    No I'm not wearing a ring on a necklace round the neck.

    Reminds me of the Albatros poem

    you know, The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner?

    "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink?"

    An no that just sounds sad.




    Okay, okay,

    The RHIME of the Ancient Mariner

    Maybe you should look it up?

