Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter storm 2011. Well the good news?


Yay. Auburn won and are BCS champs. I'm not sure what that means exactly but the folks who are Auburn fans are really happy. Great interview with Cam on The Tonight Show.


Now for the storm watch.

Look this is boring. I'm not kidding.

It would be nice if it weren't but it is.

Do something.


I'm going hop in bed and get some dancing done.

LOL, I'm watching the LLS Paula Abdul interview.

Oh and the washing machine jumped and then broke.

I'm ignoring and hoping for the best but I'm thinking that it's nolonger functioning.


Could be worse.

I love watching the Paula Abdul interview.

"What did I learn?"

I learned that I should have gone to bed earlier and how to unplug a malfunctioning washing machine.



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