Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Happy List


I can't leave this off The Happy List even if I don't have a song for it ...

The local hardware store.

It happened along time ago when I was making jewelry in Southside, Birmingham, Alabama and it's just never changed.

I love the hardware store.

Big box or local.

Also known as the "feed and seed" (well that started before the jewelry making when I had the horse but...")

Yeah, I don't think there's a "feed and seed" or hardware store that hasn't put a smile on my face.

Add the local one to the list.

While it used to be jewelry and horse feed, now it's baby chicks and house/boat supplies. My current passion is the one run by the family up the road. I love that place. Maybe it's because the lady behind the counter and her cat. Or maybe it's her son and his dog. Or the folks who go there. They're interesting, smart, and well nice. They know about all kinds of stuff. The can birth a cow, fix a sink, or in my case help me find stuff for the boat or the grow table or the dogs or plants for the garden or well just a smile.

Add it to The Happy List...


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